Hello, my wonderful Salty Dog Pet Services family! I've spoken with many of you individually but wanted to make it Facebook official. Salty Dog has pared down its services being offered to limit exposure to the coronavirus that is causing the respiratory illness COVID-19. I am healthy and have limited to no human contact in my day-to-day operations. HOWEVER I do ordinarily visit multiple homes, touch many surfaces and, of course, cuddle your pets. We are learning more about transmission overall and while the biggest issue is human to human contact I just don't want to become an inadvertent vector between your homes. It's important that we stay put and protect our community.
For the next two weeks, with CDC safety protocols firmly in practice, I will only provide daily services for my clients that are first responders, that are healthcare workers and for any emergency unforeseen pet care needs (ie. if someone is hospitalized or needs to travel to care for a loved one, etc). This means I will only have 1-3 essential visits each day versus my usual 12-15. I'll reevaluate as new information becomes available and keep you all up to date if my health changes, if I need to restrict completely, or if, conversely, I can increase service. I miss all of my fur buddies already but I'm so happy for the vast majority of them that they get to spend more time with their humans during these very strange days in which we find ourselves. Much love. Be well. Shani